Hello there, I am working on a project with KTOR f...
# ktor
Hello there, I am working on a project with KTOR for quiet some time. I got stuck on a issue where some of my routes are not getting registered. Can someone assist me with the issue?
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routing {

        val allRoutes = allRoutes(this)
        val allRoutesWithMethod = allRoutes.filter { it.selector is HttpMethodRouteSelector }
        allRoutesWithMethod.forEach {
            println("route: $it")

fun allRoutes(root: Route): List<Route> {
    return listOf(root) + root.children.flatMap { allRoutes(it) }
List of routes registered are:
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route: /location/(method:PUT)
route: /location/(method:POST)
route: /location/get_rooms/{floor}/(method:GET)
route: /location/get_rooms/all/(method:GET)
route: /location/get_floors/(method:GET)
route: /location/get_packets/{location}/(method:GET)
route: /location/get_packets/full/[floor]/[room]/[rack?]/[shelf?]/(method:GET)
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route("/location") {
        put<Resources.LocationRoute.Add.Unlinked> {
            // body

        put<Resources.LocationRoute.Add.Linked> {
            // body

        put<Resources.LocationRoute.Add.Floor> {
            // body

        put<Resources.LocationRoute.Add.Room> {
            // body

        post<Resources.LocationRoute.Update.All> {
            // body

        post<Resources.LocationRoute.Update.LinkMachine> {
            // body

        get<Resources.LocationRoute.GetRooms.ByFloor> {
            // body

        get<Resources.LocationRoute.GetRooms.All> {
            // body

        get<Resources.LocationRoute.GetFloors> {
            // body

        get<Resources.LocationRoute.GetPackets.ByLocation> {
            // body

        get<Resources.LocationRoute.GetPackets.Full> {
            // body
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class Resources {
    class LocationRoute {
        class Add {
            class Unlinked(val parent: Add = Add())

            class Linked(val parent: Add = Add())

            class Floor(val parent: Add = Add())

            class Room(val parent: Add = Add())

        class Update {
            class All(val parent: Update = Update())

            class LinkMachine(val parent: Update = Update())

        class GetRooms {
            class ByFloor(val parent: GetRooms = GetRooms(), val floor: Int)

            class All(val parent: GetRooms = GetRooms())

        class GetFloors

        class GetPackets {
            class ByLocation(val parent: GetPackets = GetPackets(), val location: Int)

            class Full(val parent: GetPackets = GetPackets(), val floor: Int, val room: Int, val rack: Int? = null, val shelf: Int? = null)
🧵 3
1. Long code snippets should go to the thread. 2. Check your imports. You might face the same issue discussed some days before. https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0A974TJ9/p1711450966840419