Hey guys, I asked this stack overflow but didn't g...
# compose
Hey guys, I asked this stack overflow but didn't get the answer. I am working on ripple effect in jetpack compose. I provide my color and after clicking on view it show some time correct color after that different type of color showing like dark grey on press state.
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binding.itemComposable.setContent {
            Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(12.dp)) {
                val options = getOptions()
                options.forEachIndexed { _, optionText ->
                    val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
                    val isPressed by interactionSource.collectIsPressedAsState()
                    val backgroundColor = if (isPressed) DuckEggBlue else OffWhite
                    val textColor = if (isPressed) TealBlue else Slate
                    val borderWidth = if (isPressed) 1.dp else 0.dp
                    val borderColor = if (isPressed) Aqua else OffWhite
                        onClick = {
                            logE("Item Click")
                        shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp),
                        border = BorderStroke(borderWidth, borderColor),
                        interactionSource = interactionSource
                    ) {
                            modifier = Modifier
                            text = optionText,
                            style = Typography.h3,
                            fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium,
                            color = textColor
I cannot add image, instead i added my youtube video. Please have a look.
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val DuckEggBlue = Color(0xFFF0FCFC)
This is my color which I am using.
tried from this doc
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private object SecondaryRippleTheme : RippleTheme {
    override fun defaultColor() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor(
        contentColor = DuckEggBlue,
        lightTheme = true

    override fun rippleAlpha() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleAlpha(
        contentColor = DuckEggBlue,
        lightTheme = true
In my code
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CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides SecondaryRippleTheme) {
                modifier = Modifier
                text = optionText,
                style = Typography.h3,
                fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium,
                color = textColor
but nothing works. It still grey ripple effect.
you need to work with Indication, so there's something called rememberRipple() which takes in the ripple color also, ideally it would take the colors from the default ripple theme! @KotlinLeaner
If you see the IMPL for MaterialRippleTheme
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    override fun defaultColor() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor(
        contentColor = LocalContentColor.current,
        lightTheme = MaterialTheme.colors.isLight

    override fun rippleAlpha() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleAlpha(
        contentColor = LocalContentColor.current,
        lightTheme = MaterialTheme.colors.isLight
It takes in the contentColor!
I tried this in my surface but nothing works
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    onClick = {
        println("Item Click")
    shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp),
    border = BorderStroke(borderWidth, borderColor),
    interactionSource = interactionSource
    indication = rememberRipple(bounded = false),
@oianmol I am doing correct?
but still don't work..
Looks like this constructor is deprecated, the one which takes in an indication.
the rememberRipple() also takes in a color
can you give it color by yourself ?
ok trying now
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public fun rememberRipple(
    bounded: Boolean = true,
    radius: Dp = Dp.Unspecified,
    color: Color = Color.Unspecified
building my application
Is the code committed somewhere ?
No it's my college private repository.
I'll make a copy
Also ideally you don't need to do anything special for a color, it depends on the contentColor which is calculated from
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fun Colors.contentColorFor(backgroundColor: Color): Color {
    return when (backgroundColor) {
        primary -> onPrimary
        primaryVariant -> onPrimary
        secondary -> onSecondary
        secondaryVariant -> onSecondary
        background -> onBackground
        surface -> onSurface
        error -> onError
        else -> Color.Unspecified
and share with you
give me few min
also you don't need to give your
since Surface makes one for you
Also is this Compose Desktop or Mobile ? 🤔
It's moblie
@oianmol this is github repo.
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rememberRipple(bounded = true, color = TealBlue)
yes it working now. what is the use of
bounded = true
It has something to do with the origin for the ripple
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internal fun Density.getRippleEndRadius(bounded: Boolean, size: Size): Float {
    val radiusCoveringBounds =
        (Offset(size.width, size.height).getDistance() / 2f)
    return if (bounded) {
        radiusCoveringBounds + BoundedRippleExtraRadius.toPx()
    } else {
okk now I got it.
I really appreciate it.
Anytime bro!