In compose-jb 1.2.0-alpha01-dev755 with Web/Canvas...
# compose-web
In compose-jb 1.2.0-alpha01-dev755 with Web/Canvas/Skiko, I'm getting a symbol resolution error today
Module "" has a reference to symbol [...] EmptyLazyGridLayoutInfo
. It did work a couple of days ago. Re-downloaded the artifacts to no avail. Could it be that there's something wrong in the JB space repo? More Details in 🧵
Copy code
> Task :compileDevelopmentExecutableKotlinFrontendJs FAILED
15 actionable tasks: 11 executed, 4 up-to-date
e: Module "" has a reference to symbol [ File '/mnt/agent/work/24a6d4ab147eab50/compose/frameworks/support/compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/grid/LazyGridLayoutInfo.kt' <-|null[0] ]. Neither the module itself nor its dependencies contain such declaration.

This could happen if the required dependency is missing in the project. Or if there is a dependency of "" that has a different version in the project than the version that "" was initially compiled with. Please check that the project configuration is correct and has consistent versions of all required dependencies.

The list of "" dependencies that may lead to conflicts:
 1. "kotlin" (a library with unknown version)
 2. "androidx.compose.animation:animation" (a library with unknown version)
 3. "androidx.compose.animation:animation-core" (a library with unknown version)
 4. "" (a library with unknown version)
 5. "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime" (a library with unknown version)
 6. "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-saveable" (a library with unknown version)
 7. "androidx.compose.ui:ui" (a library with unknown version)
 8. "androidx.compose.ui:ui-geometry" (a library with unknown version)
 9. "androidx.compose.ui:ui-graphics" (a library with unknown version)
10. "androidx.compose.ui:ui-text" (a library with unknown version)
11. "androidx.compose.ui:ui-unit" (a library with unknown version)
12. "androidx.compose.ui:ui-util" (a library with unknown version)
13. "org.jetbrains.skiko:skiko" (a library with unknown version)
14. "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlinx-atomicfu-runtime" (a dependency of the library with unknown version or versions mismatch: "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlinx-atomicfu-runtime")
15. "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu" (a library with unknown version)
16. "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core" (a library with unknown version)

Project dependencies:
+--- kotlin
+--- androidx.compose.animation:animation
|    ^^^ This module requires symbol [ File '/mnt/agent/work/24a6d4ab147eab50/compose/frameworks/support/compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/grid/LazyGridLayoutInfo.kt' <-|null[0] ].
|    +--- kotlin
Looks not good. Do you use any libraries beside standard compose libs which might depend on standard compose libs? What are the steps to reproduce? (Just create an arbitrary simple project?)
It seems the logs come from some CI? Does it fail locally as well?
It's not from CI but just a local build. I guess the file path above "/mnt/agent/work..." is from the JB CI used to build the dependency I'm using. I'll try to quickly create a reproducer and post a link...
Here it is. Reproduces with
but not
. Maybe the latter was what I had used before, so the problem may not be intermittent.