Hey folks, our team is looking into DI solutions f...
# multiplatform
Hey folks, our team is looking into DI solutions for multiplatform, with a focus on compile-time solutions (and Koin as a fallback). We've come across Kotlin-Inject and Kinzhal - are there any other libraries that are currently out there that we should take a look into?
CC @Ryan Simon
Kotlin-Inject doesn't looks like muliplatform because kotlin-inject-compiler using only jvm.
the kotlin compiler only runs on the jvm
I think what we're looking for is something that can manipulate the IR between platforms
that's what kotlin-inject does
curious to hear the opinions of other multiplatform devs on what solution has worked well for them
I strongly recommend kotlin-inject, it works great in my project and it has nice API. There is a dedicated channel (#kotlin-inject) where library’s author is very active. About alternatives - there is also PopKorn, however it hasn’t had any activities recently, so I don’t know if it’s still active
We use kotlin inject and did have almost no issues with it. Quite the opposite as @evant is super helpful and open for feedback