Hi folks, not sure if my question is for this chan...
# codingconventions
Hi folks, not sure if my question is for this channel so feel free to point me to the right one 🙂 . I am browsing some code from kotlinx.coroutines and kotlin.serialization libraries and i have observed that the jet-team rarely-ish uses space between code, for example: to group different bs-logics., etc etc. Anyone knows the whys?, feel free to point me to books, docs, blogs etc and thanks for any answers in advance !
Is it the recommended way to write code?, Maybe it is because they already have some comments in-between so there is no need for spaces?. When i code i usually try to group my code and separate it with spaces.
By spaces you mean throwing a bunch of line breaks between groups of, say, functions?
My bad, did not specify that, I mean inside functions, no between functions. Random Example:
Copy code
override fun trySelectOther(otherOp: PrepareOp?): Any? {
    _state.loop { state -> // lock-free loop on state
        when {
            // Found initial state (not selected yet) -- try to make it selected
            state === NOT_SELECTED -> {
                if (otherOp == null) {
                    // regular trySelect -- just mark as select
                    if (!_state.compareAndSet(NOT_SELECTED, null)) return@loop
                } else {
                    // Rendezvous with another select instance -- install PairSelectOp
                    val pairSelectOp = PairSelectOp(otherOp)
                    if (!_state.compareAndSet(NOT_SELECTED, pairSelectOp)) return@loop
                    val decision = pairSelectOp.perform(this)
                    if (decision !== null) return decision
                return RESUME_TOKEN
            state is OpDescriptor -> { // state is either AtomicSelectOp or PairSelectOp
                // Found descriptor of ongoing operation while working in the context of other select operation
                if (otherOp != null) {
                    val otherAtomicOp = otherOp.atomicOp
                    when {
                        // It is the same select instance
                        otherAtomicOp is AtomicSelectOp && otherAtomicOp.impl === this -> {
                             * We cannot do state.perform(this) here and "help" it since it is the same
                             * select and we'll get StackOverflowError.
                             * See <https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/1411>
                             * We cannot support this because select { ... } is an expression and its clauses
                             * have a result that shall be returned from the select.
                            error("Cannot use matching select clauses on the same object")
                        // The other select (that is trying to proceed) had started earlier
                        otherAtomicOp.isEarlierThan(state) -> {
                             * Abort to prevent deadlock by returning a failure to it.
                             * See <https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/504>
                             * The other select operation will receive a failure and will restart itself with a
                             * larger sequence number. This guarantees obstruction-freedom of this algorithm.
                            return RETRY_ATOMIC
                // Otherwise (not a special descriptor)
                state.perform(this) // help it
            // otherwise -- already selected
            otherOp == null -> return null // already selected
            state === otherOp.desc -> return RESUME_TOKEN // was selected with this marker
            else -> return null // selected with different marker
While i code mostly i try to group my logic for example:
Copy code
override suspend fun replaceMasterDevice(input: NewMasterDevice, client: Client): HubPayload<Int> {
    if (input.isNotRegistrationIdValid()) return badRequest()

    val masterDevice = input.toDevice()
    val registrationId = masterDevice.registrationId
    val currentMasterDevice = staleDeviceServiceRepoService.getCurrentMasterDevice(masterDevice.accountUuid)
        ?: return notRegisteredError(input.accountUuid)

    // maybe return something more specific here?
    if (currentMasterDevice.registrationId.compareTo(registrationId) == 0) return badRequest()
    val server = serverRepoService.getServer(client)
    val newMasterDevice = masterDevice.toDeviceEntity(MASTER_DEVICE_ID, server.id, true)
    val newStaleDeviceId = staleDeviceServiceRepoService.replaceMasterDevice(newMasterDevice)
    return dataPayload(newStaleDeviceId)
This could have been better if it was with no break lines?
Copy code
override suspend fun replaceMasterDevice(input: NewMasterDevice, client: Client): HubPayload<Int> {
    if (input.isNotRegistrationIdValid()) return badRequest()
    val masterDevice = input.toDevice()
    val registrationId = masterDevice.registrationId
    val currentMasterDevice = staleDeviceServiceRepoService.getCurrentMasterDevice(masterDevice.accountUuid)
        ?: return notRegisteredError(input.accountUuid)
    // maybe return something more specific here?
    if (currentMasterDevice.registrationId.compareTo(registrationId) == 0) return badRequest()
    val server = serverRepoService.getServer(client)
    val newMasterDevice = masterDevice.toDeviceEntity(MASTER_DEVICE_ID, server.id, true)
    val newStaleDeviceId = staleDeviceServiceRepoService.replaceMasterDevice(newMasterDevice)
    return dataPayload(newStaleDeviceId)
So in the second example I'd put breaks too, but in the first for me the control flow blocks and comments make up for enough spacing.
Another example from coroutine lib:
Copy code
private fun ensureCapacity() {
    val currentSize = elements.size
    val newCapacity = currentSize shl 1
    val newElements = arrayOfNulls<Any>(newCapacity)
        destination = newElements,
        startIndex = head
        destination = newElements,
        destinationOffset = elements.size - head,
        endIndex = head
    elements = newElements
    head = 0
    tail = currentSize
If it were me i would put some spaces after the vals at least (maybe?) i guess there is some thought behind it or i am reading into it too much?