In my past I have it in my head that is is good pr...
# codingconventions
In my past I have it in my head that is is good practice just to have one return in a function so rather than do
*fun* dropLoot(name: String): Boolean {
*for* (item *in inventory*) {
*if* (item.*name* == name) {
return true
return false
I would do
*fun* dropLoot(name: String): Boolean {
*var* ret = *false*
*for* (item *in inventory*) {
*if* (item.*name* == name) {
ret = *true*
*return* ret
What do people think?
nope 5
You can surround your code block with triple backtics (```) to get a single code block, instead of one codeblock per line.
@marstran Sorry, don't quite follow. I hit return too early so you may have been reading the incomplete post.
No, it's still 1 codeblock per line now. You can get this instead with triple backticks:
Copy code
fun dropLoot(name: String): Boolean {
   for (item in inventory) {
       if ( == name) {
           return true
   return false
I’d definitely do two returns instead of a break
@marstran sorry, that looks exactly the same as my edited post.
Anyway, for your question. I'm a fan of guard clauses and early returns, so I would have written it like the first example. I just think it's easier to read when I get the edge cases out of the way early.
not really related to your question, but I’d also pass in the game state (this looks like a game at least) to the function, instead of referring to
@August Lilleaas is part of a tutorial, this bit is concentrated on loops. Only on second week but kind of get what you mean.
also, imo an improved version of dropLoot would be to just use the functions in the stdlib. You would get the same effect with this:
Copy code
fun dropLoot(name: String): Boolean {
   return inventory.removeIf { == name }
right, sounds like a good idea to follow the tutorial and not try to be too smart, like I’m trying to be right now 🙂
I think there are good arguments on both sides in the early returns debate. I don’t tend to apply a blanket rule, but try to use whichever approach feels more readable in the context. I do try to avoid using break/continue in loops, though! I find that more disorienting than an early return. So in the specific case that you shared, I prefer the early return.
oh, my removeIf implementation is not equivalent btw. removeIf returns all matches, not just the first one
@Sam Stone good point. The answer is always it depends 😀
@August Lilleaas you know the tutorial 😀. This is the challenge when you just remove one of the items based on its name.
|I hit return too early>
glorious irony
As a side note, I am trying to use Kotlin rather the more direct Java versions. So
*inventory*._removeAll_ *{ it*.*name* == name *}
with* mutableListOf rather than ListArray.removeIf
Another point not mentioned above: lacking a good reason to do otherwise, prefer immutability to mutability. In this case, I’d choose the option that does not depend on a
(Also, I question the value in striving for a single
in the first place. This doesn’t seem to me like something that increases readability or maintainability. I guess it’s not impossible for there to be some good arguments for it, but whatever negative aspect there might be to multiple `return`s I guess it’s at least as bad when returning a