Hi, not sure if this is the right channel, but I'm...
# compose
Hi, not sure if this is the right channel, but I'm struggling to figure out how to use the GoogleMap's MapEffect composable. My android studio doesn't know what it is when I load these libraries:
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implementation "com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:$play_maps_version"
    implementation "com.google.maps.android:android-maps-utils:$maps_compose_version"
    implementation "com.google.maps.android:maps-compose:$maps_compose_version"
And after googling a bit, it looks like it belongs to this package:
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implementation "com.google.maps.android.compose:$maps_compose_version"
Although it doesn't seem to actually load when I use it, even though I don't have any gradle errors. I'm assuming that if it loaded correctly, I'd be able to use the experimental maps annotation
, but so far I haven't figured out the gradle-kung fu to get that to happen.
Never mind! I realized I just needed to iterate the version number of
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I was using 2.2.0 and the MapEffect composable was added in 2.3.0 🙂