So i found an odd thing today. Turns out that “en...
# compose
So i found an odd thing today. Turns out that “enabled” on a BasicText field does not change the color of the text value in the field. I would have expected it to have muted the text color based on the enabled parameter. I’ve verified that the text style passed in is using a color value of Color.Unspecified. What’s even more surprising is that it’s not paying any attention to LocalContentAlpha either, which i would have expected. I tried surrounding it with that, but it didn’t change anything. THe only way i’ve gotten it to change is to explicitly copy the text style and alter the alpha of it’s color. Has anyone else had this issue?
Sounds reasonable for the
as it's the one you're falling back to if you want the barebones text which you have full control over. It'd be surprising if the material one functioned that way I'd say, not this one.
There is no theming in BasicText and BasicTextField. They are as minimal as possible.
Yeah its literally called “BasicText”, if you use it you need to make the decisions on how to handle these things yourself