for multiplatform tests, do you have to link the t...
# multiplatform
for multiplatform tests, do you have to link the test source sets to the platform source sets for the tests to be able to see the
declarations? More in the 🧵
Copy code
val nativeMain by getting {
  dependencies { .. }

// Tests won't compile without this
val nativeTest by getting {
✅ 1
However, the tests compile just fine after, but when i try to run them I get this
Copy code
Compilation failed: IrPropertyPublicSymbolImpl for io.github.xxfast.utils/FILE_SYSTEM|225970167697663469[0] is already bound: PROPERTY name:FILE_SYSTEM visibility:public modality:FINAL [val]
My implementation is here if anyone wants to take a look. Appreciate any help 🙂
No! Never declare dependsOn edges from .* Test to .* Main source sets
Should the *Test source sets already have access to *Main?
Yes! Feel free to attend the meetup on monday, there I will explain how this works!
if my timezone allows me 🤞