Will JB ever put Swift syntax highlighting in Inte...
# multiplatform
Will JB ever put Swift syntax highlighting in IntelliJ? I often do small edits to the SwiftUI code from IntelliJ. Syntax highlighting would make it more pleasant.
plus1 9
I'd imagine they want you to buy an appcode license for swift support
Or just make it available to ij ultimate and get the same money
Nobody is going to buy appcode for occasional edits only when you can just live with xcode as bad as it might be.
I guess I'm nobody then 🤷‍♂️
How many hours a month do you spend on swift?
Most months zero, but I'm probably in that impossibly narrow bracket of users who maintains a paid license out of ideological desire for an Xcode alternative.
some people probably have it as part of the all products pack.
I get it as a college student. It’s not the best IDE I’ve used, but it seems to still be getting better.
I think the full gradle plugin for Android/iOS is really interesting, and I can’t wait to see where that goes.
I'm not going to have three editors--Android Studio, AppCode and Xcode--on my machine since I do not have an infinite number of processors and RAM modules. It chugs along painfully enough with just Xcode and Android Studio open.
Why would you need xcode and appcode?
I suspect I'd need it anyway for various things that JB haven't integrated into AppCode yet
I'd imagine at some point, appcode will at least get parity with IJ, which would at least make AS redundant, but I'm not 100% convinced appcode is ready for mainstream yet. Can't wait to see where it goes in the future, though.