Does anyone else have a problem with the new logca...
# random
Does anyone else have a problem with the new logcat in Android Studio, like getting stuck forever and not receiving any new feedback?
☝️ 3
🚫 1
I use Dolphin Beta 1 and am having problems with automatic “scroll-to-bottom”. I experienced problem similar to yours when I was trying to set up the output format to compact.
Yes, I think it happened when I did a custom format. But it hasn't recovered ever since... I'm force to use terminal for logcat 😕
It looks (kinda) fixed after a restart
Indeed. The fix is to restart and never touch again the output format.
I was using terminal for a day or two.. it somehow got fixed after opening a new logcat tab (even though I tried that previously)
It was such a pain to copy paste from terminal, I had Ctrl+C to be able to mark the text I wanted. I was expecting something better from Window's fancy new PowerShell.
Isn’t something like
on Linux/Mac suitable for your usecase? eg. greping only lines with given tag?
Ι was using
adb logcat | findstr (package-name)
, but that isn't the problem. It's when you try to mark the displayed text you want on terminal and new events come from the device, the highlight/selection goes all over the place.