Time for an emoji poll! :tomato: for "Kotlinesque...
# announcements
Time for an emoji poll! πŸ… for "Kotlinesque" πŸš€ for "Kotlinify" 😝 for "Kotliny" K for "Kotlinize" K for "Kotlinish"
K 35
😝 2
πŸš€ 4
πŸ… 4
maybe take this to #random tbh πŸ˜…
I think these are Apples and Oranges. Hard to vote.
πŸ‘† 3
πŸ‘Œ 1
πŸ‘ 2
I've heard "Kotlinize" way too many times
I use OverKotlinized all the time. Where people are using
?.let {} ?: run { }
instead of a simple
if / else
πŸ‘ 2
We should ask the English Language Real Academy. They probably have some rules for it. 🧌
By the way at Sergey. We had that in our code a lot and by consensus decided to use
when(val localFieldCopy = classField) {... localFieldCopy == x -> ... }
instead. simple
if / else
do not guard against multiple thread mutating the field back to null.
In my example it was a local variable πŸ™‚
Oh I see 😸, for a local one that’s a lot of ceremony definitely.