Hi, is it some known issue or problem of mine that...
# announcements
Hi, is it some known issue or problem of mine that if you have too many nested lambdas, proguard fails? My code is something like this
Copy code
with(layout) {
        .subscribe {
            myField.setDataWithCallback(it, {
and proguard fails on
Warning: com.example.calculator.CalculatorFragment$onViewCreated$1$4$1: can't find referenced class com.example.calculator.CalculatorFragment$onViewCreated$1$4
It happened to me before and i solved that by refactoring my code to multiple methods but still, I dont think its necessary here
Is it possible to reduce code to a self-contained small snippet which still reproduces the problem, so that we can investigate it? /cc @max.kammerer
I will try to come up with some example project 🙂
@david.bilik were you able to reproduce it in a small setting?
Sorry, Im in a little bit of hurry with one project and i did not have time to make that small project. But i will try to make it 😞