Hey, fellow developers! This week I wanted to cre...
# announcements
Hey, fellow developers! This week I wanted to create a small tutorial about getting started with Kotlin and it ended up being the size of e-book. It is about Kotlin and how to get started with kotlin. It features setting up of all the dependencies, learning how to create new kotlin project in IntelliJ and building a few features for the command-line application. The tutorial itself is targeted at beginner programmers, but I would love to get some input from more experienced developers too. Here is the link: https://iwillteachyoukotlin.com And the tutorial has a projected trajectory at the end so that I can continue creating the content (implement more features for the app) in form of blog post (or a course) for the same website, including expanding on different platforms, such as Web development with Kotlin and Android development with Kotlin. As always, feedback is warmly welcome as well, as shares on social networks, hacker news, reddit, etc (in case you liked it 😉 ).
Maybe post this link again in 35 days 13 hours and 54 minutes 😜.
@karelpeeters why?
You can download the tutorial right now.
It is a PDF file.
And why does it need my email address to download a PDF?
Hmm, maybe I didn't make it clear on the landing page that there is something of great value already available.
I sure didn't see it, I thought it was some kind of "subscribe" button.
It is a standard practice to get email following. I give you something of value, and you trust me with your double opt-in.
If you vary of trusting me with your inbox, I can DM you the link to PDF, but I'll ask something of value in return. For example, that you go through it and give me feedback. What are your thoughts?
Anyways, thank you for mentioning that. This is good feedback, as it shows the page is not clear enough on what you are getting. I'll have to think how to improve it 🤔
I meant it more in general, it's uncommon/strange/suspicious that I need to provide an email in order to download a pdf. I even need to validate it? That's a lot of work.
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Frankly, there are too many spam sits those days to trust a stranger with my email address without a clear benefit to me. "Suspicion" is the right word
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I'm subscribed to a few programming and business blogs this way. It is only a few and not many. And you do need to have clear value. Book that otherwise would cost some money is one option. A video course is another. Oh, and every time you signup for a free SaaS service, it is the same kind of deal. I'm also subscribed to Kotlin Weekly. Because it gave me value in exchange for ability to send me emails. @karelpeeters oh by the way, need to validate is called double opt-in. If you see double opt-in and well known email list provider (such as mailchimp), you should be in good hands. That is because, these big email list providers have to comply to dozens of laws in multiple countries around the world. So the unsubscribe functionality is a one click no-brainer. I've unsubscribed from about 20 email lists from SaaS services recently as I no longer see value in their emails. Only one of twenty didn't properly unsubscribe me.
@voddan I agree there are some sits. You can take a look at my other blog: tddfellow.com, my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/oleksii-fedorov-b0b81186/, maybe take a look at what I post on twitter: twitter.com/waterlink000 Would you think I'll waste my reputation to send some spammy/scammy emails? No. I want to send emails shining with full of pure value for my email following.
@Oleksii the amount of value is decided by your followers, not you, correct? So ... I don't know. Keep us posted 🙂
@voddan that hurts a bit. But I can see where are you coming from. Thank you for the feedback.
So sorry, did not meant to hurt your feelings
@voddan It is okay. I'm just too sensitive.