<@U0BFDUP0E> does KotlinPoet handle formatting the...
# announcements
@jw does KotlinPoet handle formatting the output?
What do you mean? It produces formatted code.
well, the question is probably poorly formed. ironically.
but the output will group the properties together, and the functions in another, etc. with the indentation on the functions normalized, etc. ?
It groups, yes.
And it indents the structure but not the contents of functions
You're responsible for that using a CodeBlock which has indent/unindent methods.
And methods like control flow auto-indent
Basically check out the tests for examples
ok. i have the same-ish issue in kibble. i was trying to decide if it made sense to use kotlinpoet for the generation and have kibble just add the parsing functionality on top.
Or just run Ktlint on the output to format it when you are done generating it? https://ktlint.github.io/
oooh. i was unaware of that one...
Its the only one as far as I'm aware of.
I would be curious what you think isn't handled by KotlinPoet. I'm super annoyed that Dagger runs google-java-format after JavaPoet. It's a waste of time. I'd rather fix the tool to produce better output.
Please file bugs if you find things
i'm of a similar mind with kibble. i try to produce the best output i can but I'd given some thought to an optional run of an external tool at the end. but i suppose that could be a build time concern/dependency rather than anything I need to worry about.