Hi everyone! I’ve created a test project with Spri...
# ktor
Hi everyone! I’ve created a test project with Spring Boot + Ktor Client and wanted to know how to mock Ktor Client responses. This is my setup:
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class TodoConsumerApplication {
    fun httpClient() = HttpClient {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
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class TodoConsumerService(
    private val httpClient: HttpClient
) {
    suspend fun getItemsTwoTimes() {
        val result1 = httpClient.get<String>("<http://localhost:8080/items>")
        val result2 = httpClient.get<String>("<http://localhost:8080/items>")

        println("Result 1 = $result1 and Result 2 = $result2")
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internal class TodoConsumerServiceTest {
    private lateinit var httpClient: HttpClient

    private lateinit var todoConsumerService: TodoConsumerService

    fun getItemsTwoTimes() = runBlocking {

I want to mock two different responses in the service using MockEngine
Is it possible to provide a different
object in
You could've used WireMock, TestServer or similar approach to mock the responses. Slightly less convenient then say Spring's mock server, but not too complicated - and you're completely independent in the choice of your clients.
A small word of warning re. the use of
that you seem to aim for - this creates a new Spring context for every test. Spring contexts aren't very cheap to start, 10 secs to 30 secs is a norm. Might quickly become an issue with more than a handful of tests for your CI duration. Just saying.
I mean if you can replace a real client with a different
object, that will use the
, in the
for your test, then you could mock responses.
Hi @Aleksei Tirman [JB], I’m not really sure on how to do that with DI