I need to connect to a device directly to get data...
# ktor
I need to connect to a device directly to get data from a REST API it hosts. I’m using ktor client for this. When I am only connected to the device via wifi, I can use a base url of and everything works fine, but when I turn on LTE, ktor gets a 404 on all the calls. I think this is because the device doesn’t provide internet, so ktor favors LTE, which does. Is there a way to configure a ktor client to ignore LTE and only communicate via wifi?
I don't think you can solve this on the HTTP client's level (is it possible to do this with any other HTTP client?). Did you try port forwarding?
This needs to be set up in a production app. I don't know that port forwarding is possible in a production app. I may have to look into the network configuration on Android. I need to verify if I see the same on iOS devices.