Is it possible a feature/plugin depends on another...
# ktor
Is it possible a feature/plugin depends on another?
For ktor client's plugin I used/created, I don't think there's a direct approach to impl this. But if u look into their implementations, can see the interceptor pipelines - base on the lifecycle of those pipeline, u can define the running sequence and thus make dependent relationship indirectly.
I need to transform the type with my feature before JsonFeature get it.
Copy code
data class User

data class SomeError

client.get<Either<SomeError, User>>(...)
The problem is JsonFeature should be able to parse SomeError or User, so I have to unwrap it from my Either before, if not, JsonFeature will try it with the Either class and it will fail
Probably u can use HttpResponsePipeline.Receive in your custom plugin to unwrap before JsonFeature works.
Copy code
scope.responsePipeline.intercept(HttpResponsePipeline.Receive) { (info, body) ->
    if (body !is ByteReadChannel) { return @intercept}
    // Do something you want and get the final result in String (others types I did not try)
    val result: String = decrypt(body.readRemaining().readText())
    proceedWith(HttpResponseContainer(info, ByteReadChannel(result)))
I will try, thank you 🙂
Updated my code, I used it in my project to decrypt encoded Json Strings before JsonFeature.
But it let changing the type that JsonFeature will receive?
Well.. from the JsonFeature it does not aware our interceptor, so it reads http response from the ByteReadChannel (Kinda byte stream or something similar) always.