I think ktor is really lacking in error handling. ...
# ktor
I think ktor is really lacking in error handling. for example if you send a json body with one misspelled field it just returns 500 without any useful information (i made a pr to fix this). or when you send a jwt token in a wrong format (“Bearer: <token>” instead of “Bearer <token>“) it logs 2 stacktraces with the error message “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid authScheme value: it should be token”
it really looks like only the happy-path is really tested. IMO any time a server returns internal server error inside the server code thats a bug. and when a error message is logged about a wrong header it must mention how the header should look.
Agree that error handling should be more descriptive. If you could log it please. We’ll see how it can be handled.
I’ve [logged](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTOR-1492) a general task to review all, but if you have specific places, please also log them.