I've seen it mentioned in a few places that a kotl...
# ktor
I've seen it mentioned in a few places that a kotlin native server is in the works (eventually). I assume you're going to have to write a HOCON parser for it, are there any plans to open source a multiplatform HOCON parser (and hopefully a kotlinx.serialization backend)?
❤️ 1
The idea was to make kotlinx.serialixarion partially support hocon, right.
@sandwwraith cc
kotlinx.serialization's HOCON is currently JVM-only, unfortunately. creating MPP HOCON is a completely new task
@sandwwraith what is the reason of that it’s JVM only? Does it depend on the original jar?
Yes, it uses additional jar for parsing, and only then converts config structure to kotlin files
Yeah, I figured that a full mpp Hocon would be out of scope for serialization, but since ktor uses it, it would be necessary to make one at some point for the native server. I'm just hoping it gets open sources and incorporated into kotlinx serialization.