Hi everyone, I need some advice from Ktor develope...
# ktor
Hi everyone, I need some advice from Ktor developers. I created a KMP library targeting backend, android, ios - To share api interface between server and client. - Without Http definition like GET, POST, Body, Query etc.. (so, it’s totally looks same with just ‘function’) will this be fine approach? or some advice for this approach? common
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interface SampleApi {
    suspend fun getGreeting(name: String, job: String): String
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inline fun <reified API> api(baseUrl: String = serverUrl): API = client.create(baseUrl)

scope.launch {
    api<SampleApi>().getGreeting("Hyun", "Programmer")
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class SampleController : SampleApi {
    override suspend fun getGreeting(name: String, job: String): String = "Hello $name($job)"

install(SimpleFeature) {
    routing {
for detail, source code exists on the link below https://github.com/dss99911/kotlin-simple-architecture