Now I have a ktor client specific question. If I d...
# ktor
Now I have a ktor client specific question. If I develop a custom feature (that does for example some custom authentication logic/signing of payloads) but needs to use user specific details (my app is multi user capable). How would I go about that? Would I need to create a new client instance for each user and then pass the specific client credentials as part of the Feature setup? Or is there are a better way. For Feign client I for example used ThreadLocal to pass in this information. So before calling the HttpClient I was setting the ThreadLocal with the required info. is there something similar for ktor client and ktor client Features?
so you want to know how to build the server or how to do both, client and server?
my server need to use a SSO to validate and obtains my users' info and i created a new client
I want to know how can I add dynamic arguments (that I populate for example as part of a route) so that a feature within a ktor client can read it
E.g. passing along who is currently authenticated from the server REST endpoint to a ktor-client external API call