anyone experience with a good coroutine supported ...
# ktor
anyone experience with a good coroutine supported rabbitmq client to listen for events? (not sure if there is a better channel for this question but I thought since many of you develop microservices where queue processing might be involved I try it here first)
I'm assuming you are talking about AMQP? Ktor doesn't cover any of the major message based protocols (AMQP, MQTT etc). Would be best to ask the question in #server .
Yes I am talking about AMQP. Ah ok I check that channel
There is a single library that would likely meet your needs called The White Rabbit ( ) 😁. Recently the library was updated to use Kotlin 1.4, with the library only covering Kotlin JVM. There isn't any support for Kotlin Native, however that wouldn't be too difficult to add, and Ktor Server will eventually have support for Kotlin Native which will make things easier simple smile.
Yeah I found that one as well but besides that it does not have much documentation it also hasn't had a release for more then a year (which is usually not a good sign)
The last commit activity on the library was 7 days ago, which means the library hasn't been abandoned.