After a quick search on this channel and the web, ...
# ktor
After a quick search on this channel and the web, it looks like to me there is no convenient way of setting a base url value? I saw people suggested to use this
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HttpClient(CIO) {
        defaultRequest {
            url {
                host = "<>"
                port = 443
        install(JsonFeature) {
            serializer = GsonSerializer()
I does not work when I try to use it with
Am I doing anything wrong?
I ended up creating this
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private suspend fun get(path: String, parameters: Map<String, String>): SomeType {
        return client.get(
            scheme = "https",
            host = "<|>",
            port = 8080,
            path = path
        ) { addParameters(parameters) }
and call it like
get("my/path", parameters)
You can do
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protected fun HttpRequestBuilder.apiUrl(path: String) {
        url {
            encodedPath = path
and use it like this:
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val response: HttpResponse = <|> {
this allow you to have this on every http method (get, post, …)
right, I’ll try that, thanks 🙂
😉 1