Hello guys, I need some help regarding the usage o...
# ktor
Hello guys, I need some help regarding the usage of the application.conf file. I have a service which reads his configuration from application.conf:
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class MqttHandler : SensorExchangeUseCase {
     *  Factory to read the application.conf file
     *  <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53891189/how-do-i-use-custom-configuration-in-ktor>
    private val config: MqttConfig = with(ConfigFactory.load()) {
To test that, I created the following test:
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class MqttHandlerTest : FunSpec({
    withTestApplication {
        (environment.config as MapApplicationConfig).apply {
            put("mqtt.topic", "karlheinz")
            put("mqtt.brokerUrl", container.host)
            put("mqtt.port", port.toString())
            put("mqtt.clientId", "Karl")

    test("should read correct Config from HOCON File") {
        with(ConfigFactory.load()) {
            getString("mqtt.topic") shouldBe "karlheinz"
            getString("mqtt.brokerUrl") shouldBe container.host
            getInt("mqtt.port") shouldBe port
            getString("mqtt.clientId") shouldBe "Karl"
However, my test fails since it loads the values which are in my local file and not the values that I put there with
. My Service is not an application module. How could I test the behaviour? It feels like I'm missing something. Thanks in advance!
One thing that came to my mind was making the ConfigObject a property in the constructor. That would be way cleaner and easier to test. I guess I'll go with that.
ktor's config stuff is overcomplicated and unnecessary, IMO. I'd skip it and do config with tools of your choosing in a way that fits more naturally with your project's structure.
There are lots of ways to do config. I maintain a demo project for ktor that shows one viable approach: https://bitbucket.org/marshallpierce/ktor-demo/src/20f37b87fb24ed62043da96e35fae792d6f39177/src/main/kotlin/org/mpierce/ktordemo/KtorDemo.kt#lines-62
but no matter what you pick, there's no reason why your http server lib needs to dictate how you configure the rest of your app.