I would like like to create a routes in programati...
# ktor
I would like like to create a routes in programatic way instead of using dsl. Is there any sample available on this?
The DSL is just normal Kotlin code, you can do any programatic logic directly in the DSL! I’ve loaded routes from JSON before, and it works great
As Casey mentions, thE DSL is essentially just calling routing functions that add the routes. You can essentially do what you want. However, what do you mean with pragmatic approach?
I have dsl like this now, route("/task") { withRole("Admin") { post { //process here } } withRole("user") { put { //process here } } get { //process here } } Instead of writing DSL like this, I would like to write method like below and then will add the routeSelector based on the
value passed buildRoute(path:String, role:Role?, handler: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>). Is it possible?
It should be. Ultimately route, get, post, are all functions that are just adding route entries.
cool. thanks for the tip. I will try it.