Hi there! I have a question about Ktor. Was it int...
# ktor
Hi there! I have a question about Ktor. Was it intended as a techdemo only? I've read on reddit that some people think that it was not meant for production use. Is this true?
🚫 7
It's supposed to be both. It's a big example Kotlin project and it is used it production.
i'm relieved
i was worried for a moment
i'm using it in production 😂
Out of curiosity, where did you get the idea that is was just a techdemo? (I've seen the question pop up a few times)
someone commented on reddit
they also said other dumb things
but i wanted to be sure
It would be strange if so many JetBrains resources would be working on a "techdemo" Web-framework))
😂 1
i agree!
and it doesn't look like a techdemo either
it was just weird to read that
do you want me to link the convo?
so that you can reply?
I mean, there are still plenty of people who think Kotlin doesn’t exist outside of Android even though that’s flatly false ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I wouldn’t recommend taking the terse opinion of some random edgelord on the internet very seriously
💯 1
I just wanted to hear a professional opinion before forming my own
just to make sure that i'm not living under a rock
i've been using Kotlin in production for the last 3 years
and i haven't programmed for android since 2.3
which was like 10 years ago 😂
😆 1
so I know that there is much more to it than Android
We’ve built JetBrains Space on Ktor (https://www.jetbrains.com/space) and we’re committed to Ktor. We’re in this for the long run.
👍 2
Also, TBH with you, the best radar is your own radar (Even ThoughtWorks says that). For good or bad, I evaluate radars for what they are - certain people’s opinions based also on their own experience and interests.
👍 2
I’ve followed up on the thread also.