i stumbled over this blogpost: <https://ktor.io/bl...
# ktor
i stumbled over this blogpost: https://ktor.io/blog/2018/08/openapi-gen.html and i wanted to ask if there is any sample project for this ? also if it always requires the ktor plugin or could be done via gradle plugin too? for CI maybe ?
I am developing an API with ktor and am using OpenAPI/Swagger autogeneration. I don't believe I found any starter projects when I started but it was easy to setup.
is your code on github or so ?
No, but what you need is just to download the Swagger Editor and code generation tools, create the YAML file in the Swagger Editor, describing your API, and then generate the server code with the Kotlin setting (which uses ktor), it creates a complete project for you.
Feel free to ask if you need some help, but there wasn't anything special that I needed to do.