Hi, I am iOS dev and new to Multiplatform. I am t...
# ktor
Hi, I am iOS dev and new to Multiplatform. I am trying to create Service layer (http requests, models and business logic) in common code which can be used between iOS and Android. I am using IntelliJ IDE. To make http call I am using ktor(I have installed ktor plugin). Unfortunately, I am getting very basic errors and not able to proceed further. Any help would be great. Error: Unresolved reference: io Gradle: sourceSets { commonMain { dependencies { implementation kotlin(‘stdlib-common’) implementation “io.ktorktor client1.0.0” implementation “org.jetbrains.kotlinxkotlinx coroutines core common1.0.1" } } }
A couple of things. 1. If you want to build to both Android and IOS you’ll need to register them as targets in your gradle build and add the platform-specific versions of your dependencies into each of your targets. 2. I don’t think you can call suspend functions directly from Swift/ObjectiveC, so you may need to make a blocking version of
for the iOS version
Thanks for response. I have basic issues with import.
Unresolved reference: io
Error - build.gradle: Failed to resolve: io.ktorktor client core1.3.50
The most recent version of that package is 1.2.4. Try changing it to
Thanks… will give a try.