Hi! How do I use a Ktor server with a custom loggi...
# ktor
Hi! How do I use a Ktor server with a custom logging framework, say
? Couldn't find it in the docs. The less xml the better. Thanks!
kotlin logger is just a convenient wrapper around slf4j. it is not a logging framework. just use logback with a little xml 😄
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Logging is an area that needs improvement in Ktor. The official documentation should have sections for the other major Logging libraries/frameworks. Ktor shouldn't be mandating logback.
Currently slf4j v1 works with Ktor, however v2 doesn't (Ktor doesn't detect it).
I wish logging was configured in the code just like all the other ktor features and didn't rely on autodetection
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Out of curiosity, what’s wrong with logback?
Many people find it much easier to deal with Properties files (some libraries/frameworks use this like Spring Boot for example) for configuration, and Logback uses XML for configuration, which is difficult to deal with.
oh that’s it? Man, you’re spoiled 😄 Log4J can be slf4j backend as well. and it uses properties, but I found logback to be far more superior in terms performance, extensibility and configurability.
nm, just wanted to check if I am not missing something important