I am bit confused. Version 1.2.3 of Ktor has break...
# ktor
I am bit confused. Version 1.2.3 of Ktor has breaking changes (as stated in the release notes) and it did indeed break my code - does Ktor not use semantic versioning or is there something I haven't grasped? (also I don't get it to compile even if I use Kotlin 1.3.41).
Well, even on the front page of ktor.io, the little
badge just above the footer states that the builds fail, so maybe this is meant to be ... 🙂
It turns out I forgot to change the version of the kotlin plugin, I had only changed the version of kotlin-std lib to 1.3.41
I'm just getting started with Ktor, and am running in to a similar issue with the requirement for Kotlin 1.3.41 To launch my app, I run
../gradlew appengineRun
, and I get this error message:
Copy code
'receive(): T' is only available since Kotlin 1.3.40 and cannot be used in Kotlin 1.3. This function requires Kotlin 1.3.40+
I have triple checked my build.gradle, and it appears that I am using Kotlin 1.3.41, so the error message is very confusing 😦.
my build.gradle
When I change
to 1.2.0 the error goes away. Any ideas?
I had the same problem. Do you use 1.3.41 for both the compiler plugin and kotlin-stdlib-jdk8? In my case I had missed the plugin version.