Hi! I apologize if this has been asked before, but...
# ktor
Hi! I apologize if this has been asked before, but is there a good canonical way in ktor to map query params from a GET request to a model class in kotlin? Here’s an example:
Copy code
application.routing {
    get("myroute") {
        val queryParams = call.parameters // the query params from the call
        val paramsMap: Map<String, String> = queryParams.toMap().mapValues { it.value.first() } // I can put them in a map of string fairly easily
        val instanceOfMyClass: MyClass = MyClass(paramsMap["val1"], paramsMap["val2"], etc...) // I have to map them to my class manually each time :(
        // do stuff with the query params
        call.respondJson("your response here.")
To be clear, the equivalent of what I’m looking for in spring would look like:
Copy code
import javax.validation.Valid;

@RequestMapping(value = "/getItem", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ServiceRequest<List<SomeModel>> getClaimStatuses(@Valid RequestParamsModel model) {
    // ...
and in JAX-RS it’d use
Yes there is! I`ll look it up for you. Just a second.
val myDataClass = call.receive<MyDataClass>()
The feature you are looking for, when I get you right, is the
Content Negotiation Feature
. https://ktor.io/servers/features/content-negotiation.html
does that work with query parameters? I’m only finding examples of using it to receive request bodies
and when I do it in my get request it throws
. Even with all the values of the class’ constructor (including the nullable ones) passed in.
Take a look at the
feature : https://ktor.io/servers/features/locations.html
💯 1
I had done something with objectMapper.convertValue(map, class) in the past, but that was in a different life and I don’t have that code anymore.
It's pretty easy to do using gson
👍🏼 1
But, as far as I know, this is the only reason to use
instead of
yeah the
feature worked like a charm! Only downside is that it doesn’t allow for multiple different models to be combined in one route
but it works for what I need, and you can always write a wrapper class to abstract if you need to
another downside, in my opinion, is that
removes the path from the routing definition, and you have to keep jumping back to the annotation to view the path
no idea why path data isn't parsed just like body data, with something similar to