Hey guys, I have a question. Is there a way in Kto...
# ktor
Hey guys, I have a question. Is there a way in Ktor to limit identical GET requests to the same endpoint from the client's side? Eg. if my client app makes a single GET request to the
endpoint and then at almost the same time makes another two to the same endpoint with the same method/payload, I would like to let only the first one to actually reach the server and deliver response to all 3 client requests. Is there any way to achieve this with ktor?
If all requests are the same, you should implement an HTTP caching strategy, so that the same response is sent to all clients while calculating it only once
That's what I'm trying to achieve, is there any built-in kotr functionality for this?
Have a look at this : https://ktor.io/servers/features/caching-headers.html I haven't used it yet, but it seems to be what you are looking for. You could also store data required to generate the response in a
, reading from it if the request is the same.
Caching-headers are all about server or proxy side cache afaik, no mention of client side. I guess I will have to implement it on my own, thank you for help 🙂
Oh, you are looking for a cache for
? There is one, in the form of the
What I'm really looking for is the limitation of multiple requests with the same method/url/payload to one endpoint
So only one of these requests would fly and fetch data and then pass the result to the rest