Hey! Any ideas on what could be causing this K/N ...
# ktor
Hey! Any ideas on what could be causing this K/N build time exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find "~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/io.ktor/ktor-client-curl-macosx64/1.2.2/9d410c6f439ecde9618172b2d276cb4459109ec3/ktor-client-curl.klib" in [~/CLionProjects/untitled, ~/.konan/klib, ~/.konan/kotlin-native-macos-1.2.1/klib/common, ~/.konan/kotlin-native-macos-1.2.1/klib/platform/macos_x64].
it’s my sketch book project, so the folder name actually is
(did not just change it yet). And paths are absolute, I just manually replaced those that are pointing home with the
for this post. If anyone happens to wonder why those are so. 😄
Gradle is able to fetch the packages and from the CLion’s External Libraries view I can verify that those libraries are there.
There seems to be a version mismatch of sorts
Check that you do not have transitive dependencies pointing to a different version of the library (1.2.1 and 1.2.2)
Also, try running gradle from the command line
folders and
Invalidate caches and restart
in CLion helped with this one. Thanks for pointing me to the right direction, @Dico!
👍🏻 1