Why is there still no Kotlin 1.6.0 plugin for the ...
# intellij
Why is there still no Kotlin 1.6.0 plugin for the IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3? Is there a way to install it from sources?
Sorry, we're working on it. It will be available soon.
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I see the 1.6 plugin has been released already, https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6954-kotlin/versions/stable Intellij keeps on telling me my Kotlin plugin is out of date, but then it says I have the latest version when I try to update it and the the other 1.6 options are all marked as EAP. Is this something on my side that I need to fix or is this part of the fix that "will be available soon" ? I'm on 2021.3
Have tried a manual install after manually downloading it from the marketplace. I guess that would explain it
@janvladimirmostert See this issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-20305 Currently there is an EAP and next week a proper release
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ok, thank you for the quick response! I guess I'll just ignore that popup message for now