Been a happy IntelliJ user for 12 years, and been ...
# intellij
Been a happy IntelliJ user for 12 years, and been paying for a personal Ultimate license for 5 years. But feel like I may be reaching the end of the road. Perhaps it’s time to check out the kotlin / maven / gradle support in VSCode or similar. Or even back to Eclipse ?!
why do you use maven with kotlin? btw the 1.5-rc plugin looks much more stable to me than the 1.4.x versions.
Because that’s what the 8 member project was using when I joined it and there’s no appetite foe spending the time & money to migrate to gradle.
We have recently released IDEA 2021.1.1 Preview (211.7142.13), which fixed several major 2021.1 regressions in indexing and Maven support. Can you please try it from or Toolbox. Does it work better? Please also apply the workaround from
I think I'm also having these problems... I'll try the preview.
So far so good, the red is gone... but it could be because installing it is like doing an invalidate cache... so I guess I'll keep looking out for this.
Hopefully it's really fixed. Plain 2021.1 was basically unusable because of (look at 158 duplicates)
😮 5
So far the preview solved another VERY annoying code complete problem for overrides in test classes...👍🏼
Updating to 2021.2 shows red lines again for me... 🤕
For some reason, I needed to select a jdk installed on my system instead of the one bundled with idea in the project settings... even though before the upgrade of idea, it was working fine...