Here is a screen recording of IntelliJ's performan...
# intellij
Here is a screen recording of IntelliJ's performance in Kotlin files in Maven/Java/Kotlin project. The file has about 400 lines. The project has ~1000 files, 80% is Java. Hardware is a 2015 Mac Pro (2.2 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM). Notice that it takes more than 5 seconds for the IDE to realize the compile error has been fixed and then several additional seconds for the IDE to reformat the code.
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IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-192.5728.98, built on July 23, 2019
Please note, that this is not a new thing. It always took more than 2 seconds for the inspections to kick in which was already unacceptable. As you can see now it's even worse and is completely unusable. But even if we go back to 2 seconds, it's still really bad.
Thats rough 😐
Did you attach it on a YouTrack issue?
I don't have a YouTrack account.
@poohbar Then you should create one from your Google or GitHub account for example. FYI, I opened roughly a hundred issues there on Kotlin project over 3 years, and about half of them have been resolved. Clearly, reporting them is the path to the fix and to the improvements.
Sorry, but whatever is shown in the video, the next step is always asking for CPU or memory snapshot. Without YouTrack account you anyway can upload the snapshot to FTP server, as described here:
. After that just mention me and tell me the name of the file. Thank you.
👍 1
@sashache Thanks, I have finally got around creating the issue.
👍 1
@poohbar Thank you, I've looked into the snapshot and will assign proper subsystem. Right now, as a blind guess, could you try to turn off new inference in IDE? Settings dialog | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Kotlin Compiler | Enable new type inference algorithm for IDE analysis = OFF. Does it help a bit?
when i see this on top of the page are those settings taken into account at all?
(all my modules are listed)
I disabled it and the performance seems to be back to 2019.1. I.e. not great but sort of usable.
No, this overriding is not a problem in this particular case. Ok, that's important, thank you. Will process this in YouTrack.
Thanks, I appreciate the help!