Perhaps this is a better channel to ask this quest...
# intellij
Perhaps this is a better channel to ask this question :)
What does that code even do? First, I thought it was invalid, but I see using a Scratch file that it compiles. BUT I don't see what it does, if anything. In example, stringParam isn't available, so the name doesn't do anything. At my call site, the first parameter to the Lambda is still called
. Do you see something different? I suspect what you want is all call sites of
to change from
Copy code
example {
to this automatically?
Copy code
example { stringParam ->
If that's ultimately what you're after, I'm not aware of a way to automatically do it.
Yes, that's exactly what I am after. The purpose of defining such param names is pure UX. If it's retained in
then IDEs or a lang server can read it out and provide better naming suggestions for auto completion etc.
An interesting idea, and helpful to avoid everything being
, and potentially ambiguous.