I just updated my app from kotlin-gradle-plugin:1....
# android
I just updated my app from kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.4.32 to 1.5.10. When I compiled, the following extension method no longer compiles. If I roll back to 1.4.32, it compiles again. (I've inlined some stuff to make it clearer so no need to point out the redundant lambdas. I just want to understand why it worked before, but doesn't now.) If I convert the property to a function, it also works (but i'd prefer to keep it a property). Code:
Copy code
val UByteArray.utf8:String
	get() {
		val index = this.indexOf(0u)
		val cleaned = if (index == -1) {
			{ this }()
		else {
			{ this.sliceArray(0 until index) }()
		return cleaned.toByteArray().toString(Charsets.UTF_8)
Error Message:
Copy code
com.android.tools.r8.errors.b: Field name '$this_<get-utf8>' cannot be represented in dex format.
seems Kotlin changed how it mangles names for inline classes. Android doesn't follow JVM spec, and it breaks
I'll take a look. Thanks.
if it were just the getter name, then probably
would work around it
not sure if it helps with the inner class outer reference name, which is what looks like you're running into, but worth a shot
I tried changing the utf8 name, but that didn't appear to affect it.
change the getter name
@get:JvmName("getUtf8") val UByteArray.utf8: String get() = ...
val UByteArray.utf8: String @JvmName("getUtf8") get() = ...
I see. Let me give that a whirl.
Neither of those fix it.
yeah, it seems the JvmName doesn't have any impact on the outer reference field name. your only workaround is probably to make the lambdas not close over
(or extract them to a non-extension function, same thing)
should probably file a YouTrack with mcve, I don't see any existing
Copy code
val self = this
{ self }()
Maybe a dumb question, but why does closing lambdas over "this" fall afoul of a field name filter?
Anyway, thanks for your help.
the class synthesized for the lambda needs to store a reference to the outer
in a field. apparently that field is getting a name mangled in a way that isn't compatible with Android.