navigation component question: I have fragments A,...
# android
navigation component question: I have fragments A,B,C I want to have a shortcut of going from A to C, but also have a way to popup from C to B what is the recommended way to do this?
do you mean global action C->B?
no, with a global action you can navigate to any destination from any fragment
I’m not sure how this helps me
you want to go from A to C, but also from C to B?
I want to go A to C (skipping B) while keeping B in the backstack so I can go back to B when backpressed
I tried action C -> B with popup but it doesn’t seem to do anything
ok so when you're on fragment A, just call if(conditional nav is true) findnavcontroller.navigate(to B) and also findnavcontroller.navigate(to C). You will end up on C with B on the back stack
override the animation toB
so it's not visible to the user
I think there is also an manuel way off adding fragments to the backstack with a navcontroller
check the docs, never needed it
thanks for help, I’ll try
If this does not work well UI wise, you could also override onBackPressed() in your activity, and place your logic there
I do, but my action doesn’t work, probably because there is no fragment B on the backstack
Copy code
override fun onBackPressed() {
    val navController = findNavController(
    if (navController.currentDestination?.id == fragment C) {
that's when a global destination comes in hand
I use
Copy code
requireActivity().onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(viewLifecycleOwner) { navigator.goBack() }
in the fragment
check with debugger the current backstack
Copy code
I/NavController: Ignoring popBackStack to destination <|> as it was not found on the current back stack
instead of calling .popBackStack when on fragment C
just call navigate to B
inside onBackPress in your activity
or your fragment with the dispatcher you showed
this feels hacky, I think I could use a deep link? no real samples of this anywhere
but I see I can set a destination inside a deep link
why hacky? you go from A to C, but then want to magically go to B when pressing back
you need to override the default behavior in that case, because going back would mean go to A
so you override onbackpressed in your hosting activity
I usually tie a viewmodel to the activity lifecycle which I use to communicate from the fragment to the activity
so when you're on C, the user performs the action to go to B, set a boolean value in the viewmodel to true, and read this boolean inside onbackPressed in the activity
if it's true, than apply the going to B route, if it's false then just call super.Onbackpressed
easiest option, can also be done with SafeArgs
but that involves bundles and keys
overriding onbackpressed this way and making a cascade if-elses will cripple maintainability
ideally I would like to navigate and set backstack fragments myself
try the first option I gave you
navigating twice
if that doesnt work UI wise, this is an alternative
you decide what's best for your codebase
I have a long registration flow, so I may end up doing 10 navigates A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J
I feel this will break fast
option 2 then 😉
thanks for discussion
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