Does anyone have reccomendations on repos I should...
# android
Does anyone have reccomendations on repos I should keep an eye on for up to date Android best practices or just general learning? When I was in school, I used this this repo to learn all about dagger2, rxjava and clean architecture. Maybe someone else might have a good suggestion with more jetpack stuff. I'm aware of the codelabs and use that for reference but there's something about a full project and seeing all the moving parts that make reading much more compelling.
I think you should visit and learn from Google I/O 2020 repo 😁
Do you have the link?
@Harry Timothy is this supposed to be it?
👍🏻 1
yes, that's the one @vesp!
It's not specifically arranged, but you can find everything related to the latest stacks there. There are samples of Hilt + Dagger, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack's Navigation, Work Manager, Room, etc. Maybe you will want to create your own documentation referencing to each of their sample codes