I am trying to use junit 4.13 for unit testing in ...
# android
I am trying to use junit 4.13 for unit testing in Android, then I am getting unresolved for it
Can you please share a sample project, or at least relevant build.gradle files to reproduce? Also, which Kotlin and IDE versions do you use?
in build.gradle,
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testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'
Kotlin 1.3.70 Latest Android Studio 4.0 Beta
Can't reproduce. I assume it's only unresolved in the IDE, not on Gradle build? Some things that might help: * "File | Invalidate caches and restart" * delete .idea directory and reimport the project in the IDE * Force Gradle to use the newer version of junit:
Copy code
configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force 'junit:junit:4.13'