Hi, anyone here who migrated from Glide image load...
# android
Hi, anyone here who migrated from Glide image loading library to Coil? I'm considering replacing Glide due to performance reasons. Animations stutter when Glide loads an image at the same time. I'm wondering if Coil handles this better?
Hey, I got answers from a private Slack for you: Person A:
That's a super vague question :)
Main thread work from image loading probably depends drastically on the image size, device ram/memory pressure, animations being run, etc
Person B (library author):
Glide uses a
to perform the crossfade whereas Coil uses a custom
(https://github.com/coil-kt/coil/blob/master/coil-base/src/main/java/coil/drawable/CrossfadeDrawable.kt) since it allows listening to animation completion (and a few other reasons).
calls of
are very similar.
Thanks for the response. I use Glide inside a RecyclerView.Adapter to load images when the view is bound. When I play an animation at the same time Glide loads an image, the animation stutters. This even happens when Glide loads the image from cache. When I deactive the Glide call, the animation runs smoothly. This even happens on high end devices like the Google Pixel 4 XL.
The animated view is not the same view where the image is loaded into