Can fragments itself host bottom navigation? I got...
# android
Can fragments itself host bottom navigation? I got it to work on activity class but I can't seem to implement it inside the fragments. The reason for wanting to add the bottom navigation to the fragment is because I want to build a single activity application. I actually created a stackoverflow question, and the post has more information about the code Any input suggestion is welcome 😊 thx.
off course you can, but I prefer to have a look to Navigation Component library, its so easy to implement instead of the regular code that could be a bit complicated to use in a single page applications navigation comp. lib built for that, I recommend to take a look here
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I found
but it seems like it can only be used inside an activity, not a fragment. So this brings me back to my original question. Is fragment suitable for hosting bottom navigation? Or does it need to be done inside an AppCompatAcivity?
or you can build custom viewpager instead? *tablayout, inside the fragment, using navigation component to navigate to other fragment without tabs (viewpager)
Thanks I will check that out as well!