Would someone be nice enough to proof-read this ar...
# android
Would someone be nice enough to proof-read this article?
Better dependency management in Android Studio 3.5 with Gradle buildSrcVersions
https://dev.to/jmfayard/new-in-android-studio-3-5-dependency-management-with-gradle-buildsrcversions-22ia-temp-slug-2042205?preview=373ea29273e40c80e4579a999bbc305e8246511e13d599564be52fba5f20607b13305942fd8c4855b5e1807a66249612df27e19193a563106eb8d275 I will publish once Android Studio 3.5 is released (should be real soon now)
With Android Studio 3.5, the new Gradle "buildSrc" module comes to the rescue.
This implies that
wasn't available before AS 3.5
i also read your
New in Android Studio 3.5?
section, but i'm still confused because
was available for at least 3-4 years afaik.
When you decide you want to update some dependencies, run again the plugin
* run the plugin again*
I had in mind was to replace those Groovy libraries.gradle files we used to wrote
we used to write
You can put there all the things that are a bit complicated or should be re-used, and keep your build.gradle files nice and tidy.
You can put all the things there that are a bit complicated or should be reused
Typo in the last comment of this snippet: https://gist.github.com/jmfayard/4db385d27b41cf2e14b57067cc825df2#file-2-gradle You need to remove the extra
thanks @changd @louiscad about the
what happened in the android world is that the IDE integration didn’t work until Android Studio 3.2 But then the android team didn’t write one line about it to evangelize it, and immediatly after they broke the support in Android Studio. So it’s technically not new but it will be new to most android readers. I rephrased a bit that paragaraph.
yes, I was aware of that bug, I followed the issue tracker: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/123032843. thanks for the clarification.