Well, I understand. So... Maybe do you have an exa...
# android
Well, I understand. So... Maybe do you have an example of Kotlin Android app reading and writing from Google Drive which is targeting api level 25? Thanks again
3 different sample app there
Do you know why do they target 19? https://github.com/googledrive/android-demos/blob/master/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml#L24 Consider that Google Play doesn't let me downgrade it and unfortunately I've posted an apk with 25: that was my first issue in my original question
No difference. Pretty sure, if you change to 27 will be the same
actually they target 26
Gradle will override target version in manifest, looks like some legacy line from very old version,
Consider that Google Play doesn’t let me downgrade it and unfortunately I’ve posted an apk with 25: that was my first issue in my original question
You can get some things with higher API level that should be changed in your app, but usually you can just check upgrade guides and fix this pretty easy. But for most application no changes after update to higher target levels (maybe only about background and services)
thank you for your support, I will try, thanks