I can't find anything on slashdot or google about ...
# android
I can't find anything on slashdot or google about this problem.. I am getting a crash in kotlin realm extensions... Process: com.agersens.eshepardcollarfitter.production, PID: 9241 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Method 'io.realm.RealmQuery io.realm.RealmQuery.createQuery(io.realm.Realm, java.lang.Class)' is inaccessible to class 'com.vicpin.krealmextensions.RealmExtensionsKt' (declaration of 'com.vicpin.krealmextensions.RealmExtensionsKt' appears in /data/app/com.agersens.eshepardcollarfitter.production-1/split_lib_dependencies_apk.apk) at com.vicpin.krealmextensions.RealmExtensionsKt.forEntity(RealmExtensions.kt:246) at com.vicpin.krealmextensions.RealmExtensionsKt.queryFirst(RealmExtensions.kt:41) at com.maiatehcology.maialibrary.syncframework.database.DatabaseWrapper.fetchAnimals(DatabaseWrapper.kt:78) The code is very very similar to what I used in a previous project without incident...
You are using a function you are not allowed to
I couldn’t put it much clearer than the stacktrace does
you are wrong.... I did not write kotlin realm extensions I am calling queryFirst() on a 'com.vicpin.krealmextensions object. I fixed the issue just then by changing the version number for rxjava in the gradle build Confusing issue from a 3rd party library and "just look at the stack trace" was not helpful at all
You ‘indirectly’ were using a function you are not allowed to is correct 👍