forced to write new app with java... :sob:
# android
forced to write new app with java... 😭
😂 2
😢 7
😵 1
no red 4
There's plenty of job opportunities for Android developers out there, or at home (remote work). Feel free to seek newer and better ones and leave when you find something good 😉
See also #hiring
it is just crying of my soul - i make my own lib on kotlin with alots of good stuffs. Now i need to repeat best of em on java...
Who uses "force" against you to make you make, in 2018, an app in Java when you could do it in Kotlin?
Well, there are still many "boss" just don't trust "new" language like Kotlin...
Kotlin is like an Android support library. If you need it, you add the dependency, you do your stuff. No need for any "boss" approval. You only need some team synchronization if you're not the only one on the codebase that will use Kotlin
Kotlin is years old. Older than Swift
But it was already production ready almost two years ago, when 1.0 got released
Yes, I know Kotlin isn't actually new, so I put "new" there. And by the mean of "Boss", it is not just the matter of we working on the app, but they also consider in the later days when others come along to pick up the projects, which in "Boss" mind Java dev is way easier to find Kotlin dev, at least in my area.
java android app in 2018? you are true archaeologist sir 😄
😂 1
Show "Boss" Google IO kotlin launch, and Android KTX video, where they tell "Kotlin is here to stay".

True xD, java is wired after kotlin... ; types interfaces...
Lol that sucks dude. What was your team reason why?
everybody is like "quite" lmfaooo. Dont quite dude, perhaps you can be a kotlin advocate at your job
But what was the reasoning?
The reasoning I’ve gotten in the past is that there are few developers at your organization that could take over your code if you leave, but many that know java
👍 1
But…kind of silly considering how easy it is to transition to kotlin
Same reasoning in my past company
same reason for our backend team