Anybody can point me to some resources which will ...
# android
Anybody can point me to some resources which will ease the pain to work with Mockito + Kotlin, specifically ArgumentCapture is broken after converting to Kotlin. I went through these already:
I use You can check out the Wiki for information on the syntax. I've no issues with capturing arguments after switching to it.
@annyce thanks for the quick link, I read in third link I posted that it only works if Class has default constructor.
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Using Mockito-Kotlin
There’s a library <> which seems to address the Non-null issue. Great!! … But… that only works for parameter that have default constructor.
ArgumentCapture works now, it was just about giving it an empty list (not null) using
, so that it;s not null. And asserts will fail anyhow because size and other stuff won't match from empty list.
Ok, so are you saying you're good now or you are still having issues?
Yes thanks I'm good now. Btw instead of mockito-kotlin library for Any(), I am using this 4 lines of code as suggested in the article I posted.
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private fun <T> any(): T {
    return uninitialized()
private fun <T> uninitialized(): T = null as T
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