Android studio -> convert to kotlin. retrofit i...
# android
Android studio -> convert to kotlin. retrofit is just an interface. You don't need a kotlin example. It's the same just with kotlin syntax
Yes, although I'm having this issue on parsing simplexml request value required and some sort
Can you show your Java version and kotlin version?
As explained already. There’s nothing conceptually different. Just slight syntactical differences as expected for a different language.
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// Java
public interface SomeService {

  Call<Foo> fetchFoo(@Query(...) String someParam);

interface SomeService {
  fun fetchFoo(@Query(...) someParam: String): Call<Foo>
Feel free to look up Kotlin’s online reference:
i get this error " org.simpleframework.xml.core.MethodException: Annotation @org.simpleframework.xml.Element(data=false, name=svc:ActivateApp, required=false, type=void) must mark a set or get method "
as my request looks like this.. @Root(name = "soapenv:Envelope") @NamespaceList(Namespace(prefix = "soapenv", reference = ""), Namespace(prefix = "svc", reference = ""), Namespace(prefix = "sdg", reference = "")) class ActivationWSReq { @Element(name = "soapenv:Header", required = false) private var activationHeader: ActivationHeader? = null @Element(name = "soapenv:Body", required = false) private var activationRequest: ActivationRequest? = null fun getActivationHeader(): ActivationHeader? { return activationHeader } fun setActivationHeader(activationHeader: ActivationHeader) { this.activationHeader = activationHeader } fun getActivationRequest(): ActivationRequest? { return activationRequest } fun setActivationRequest(activationRequest: ActivationRequest) { this.activationRequest = activationRequest } @Root(name = "soapenv:Header", strict = false) class ActivationHeader @Root(name = "soapenv:Body", strict = false) class ActivationRequest { @Element(name = "svc:ActivateApp", required = false) var activationMethod: ActivationMethod? = null }
this structure worked on my Java project but when I convert this to Kotlin, such error came out
I see. You’ll need to change the
into something like
depending on whether it should be on the getter/setter accordingly. In fact. Looking at your code again. You could reduce it to something like this:
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class ActivationWSReq(
  @(...) var activationHeader: ActivationHeader? = null, //Perhaps change @Element here to @get:Element
  @(...) var activationRequest: ActivationRequest? = null

class ActivationHeader

class ActivationRequest(
  @(...) var activationMethod: ActivationMethod? = null
it works! thanks a lot friend! 🙂
👍 1